Lock any App on your iPhone in 2 Minutes | Set Lock on iPhone Apps 2023

sign up for this Network as well as press the Bell icon to obtain informed for the most current tech videos hey what'' s up YouTube this is flower holder here as well as in this video clip I am going to show you how you can secure any application on your apple iphone so if you'attempt to open any type of lock you ' re going to have this lock screen and also just you can open up that application so below if I have the application lock on songs if I go and open Safari you ' re going to have the very same lock so allow me show you just how you can establish it up for your iPhone as well prior to we can secure any application on the apple iphone you ' re going to open up setups on your iPhone you'' re mosting likely to drop press on General and continue software application upgrade so basically you require to examine whether you have iphone 16.4.1 or an above version since just by doing this you can secure applications on your apple iphone so this is the minimum iOS variation that is or must be present on your apple iphone once you have validated that you have the iOS variation you'' re mosting likely to swipe down from the top and you'' re mosting likely to kind shortcuts as well as we'' re going to open up the faster ways app right here on the bottom it says automation simply continue the automation switch and also you'' re going to push on create individual automation below you'' re mosting likely to swipe down up until you discover app as you can see right below so we'' re going to push on the application button make sure that is opened up is chosen as well as you'' re going to push on the pick switch so from below you are going to select one application or numerous apps on which you wish to have the log so here you can pick any application you want I'' m simply mosting likely to choose Google Chrome for this instance once more you can choose multiple applications that you desire to log press on done you'' re going to push on next right here it says add action you'' re going to push on ADD action on the search bar you are mosting likely to type lock display here under scripting it'' s going to show lock screen again if you have iphone 16.4.1 or above variation just after that this action will be revealed we are going to press on lock display and also we'' re going to press on next here it ' s going to reveal something like this when Chrome is opened up or any type of various other application in your instance you'' re going to choose do secure screen and you'' re going to disable this option ask prior to running put on'' t ask as well as continue done and that'' s it now whenever I'' m going to open my Google Chrome application it must be secured by default and it'' s mosting likely to use my face ID or touch ID so if I open up Google Chrome you can see that you have this little lock right here suggesting that I am unable to open the app and also if I go and also show my face to the touch ID only after that the app will be open otherwise it is locked again if I go as well as open the application it is locked so yeah guys in this means you can lock any kind of app on your iPhone if you people like this video like share subscribe if you have any kind of various other inquiries write them in the remark area below and also if you place'' t subscribed to my Network please do so aside from that thanks for watching and also as constantly remain secure

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